
hello, 2012!

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i'm blogging. my technical prowess has grown by leaps and bounds since hubby gifted me the latest, greatest iPhone for my birthday. thus, i have become that which i most despise and went from a simple facebooker to a twit, a pinster and now a blogger.

j and i have been laying pretty low the last couple of years, so instead of the annual letter and greeting card, we blog...well, i blog. j unknowingly contributes. after all, it's his life, too, right? the goal: one post a day. nothing crazy. like a diary. no big deal, right? but what you don't understand is, it's me. my track record on journaling is "no so good." you know what i mean?

your role in this? accountability. no. you don't really have a choice. either you're going to read it or you won't. i won't know. i'm sitting over here convincing myself what i have to say will hold your attention on a daily basis. who knows?

so i started this process (making my blog) shortly before midnight on new year's day. the sun will be rising in, oh, forty-five minutes -- give or take a few -- and i still haven't gotten my first post up. not looking so promising.

to start: it's j, me and li (part-time) and three four-legged boys: black, yellow and 'tis. those are "the boys." the six of us, including the part-timer, are mid-move. a couple of blocks away, but a move nonetheless. i abhor moving. actually, it's not the moving that bothers me. it's the packing and the unpacking. ugh. i have so much to do and so little motivation. i look at the stuff -- and there is a lot of it -- and wonder where to start. totally discouraged. so we've got that going on.

so i could tell you what's been going on the past couple of years, but that would be moving backward, not forward, and we are a family that will move forward. convincing, huh? but really, this is about learning from our mistakes and moving on.

well, it's almost six in the morning and for all my perfectionism, deleting, writing and rewriting, of course it's this last attempt that's raw and uninhibited/unedited that's going up. sometimes i just need to remind myself to k-i-s-s: keep it simple, stupid.

that's all for now. let's go out there and let our little lights shine.

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