
almost there

the end is drawing near. i can't wait.

it's not what you think unless you know about the garage sale and impending handing over of keys date. this is the day i've been both dreading and looking forward to. i wonder if this is like childbirth? i'd say we have 75 percent of our belongings out of vista ridge. the other 25 percent is floating around waiting to get shoved in a box or will become part of the garage sale fodder.

this prepping has told me two things about myself, which i probably was aware of but never put into words: one, we have too much stuff -- entirely. too. much. second, i don't need much. just god, love, and the air i breathe. we've spent the first ten years (give or take) of our marriage accumulating stuff and missing the gift god placed before me: his love and mdh. being in recovery from an addiction is not just about the addict; the entire family is affected. i wasn't consumed by alcohol but the anger, bitterness and resentment that comes when living with an alcoholic. god humbled me through my husband's addiction. i began to see even though i wasn't using, i was flawed. i didn't do everything right -- far from it. what an incredible revelation.

that's not sarcasm! i have played the martyr and boss for far too long. i'm done! i want us to share the fun and the responsibility. not that living with a substance dependency is fun, that's not what i'm saying, but as the one who "got 'er dun" i was often pegged "the bad guy," who was uptight and a fun sucker.

i'm going to let the One in control be in control, listen for his voice guiding me and pray for the obedience to do as He bids. and i'm going to knit. just started these a couple of nights ago.

angora baby booties from last minute knitted gifts

they're from one of my favorite knitting books and an old standby. until next time, let your light shine. quit hiding it under a basket! matthew 5:15

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