
on the other side

here we are on the other side of foreclosure; a couple of humble forfeiters. but we have not foreit our dreams or hopes. yes. we walked away from the home we planned to grow old in, but are walking toward a future free from the burden of owning 2,000 square feet of wood, nails and tile. we are free. and i have to tell you, for all the tears of sorrow spilled yesterday as i vacuumed the carpet and mopped the tile floors and scrubbed the baseboards i so meticulously masked so as not to paint on them for the last time, i am confident in God's grace and mercy that many more tears of joy will spill to turn these ashes into something beautiful. he promises. and i believe.

so what's in store for gigi and jay now? well, besides getting petalo in order, i have a few ventures to explore occupationally, in service and personally. one of the benefits of moving was i got to see -- literally -- what i have. and i have much. even after the garage sale last weekend, i have a lot of clothes. i could wear a different outfit every day for about six months and never wear the exact same thing. that's excessive, don't ya think? i have designer bags from my sisters that i haven't used for so long i forgot i had them. a lot of things will be donated; we're considering a second garage sale, but a lot of the pricier things will be going up on ebay or style.ly. i am also concentrating on gifts of grace {a gigi project} and getting some inventory knit/crocheted up as well as dabbling in some sewing and quilting.

on the service end i have volutneered to knit scarves for breast cancer research which I learned about here and am participating in knit pray love which i heard about on klove. personally, there is so much that needs work. i kid you not. i want to move foward in this momentum of change and letting go and letting God. i want to be the best wife, mom, friend and servant. thank goodness God doesn't give up on me. for now i will continue to pray with a grateful, joyful heart for i know i have much.

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