
we've got our work cut out for us

we're done! we no longer have two addresses. but the real work is just beginning. the house on petalo is approximately 500 square feet smaller than vista ridge. we lost the formal living/dining room, a bedroom and the third car garage. yikes! our first month here, mdh and i were able to park both our cars in the garage. last week, mdh had to park on the street -- oh, and did i mention we have a third car? the last few days my car has been in the driveway. it sure was nice while it lasted. come, i'll take you on a virtual tour of all that needs to be done:
this is the garage that both cars used to be parked in. the goal is to get my car in there and have room for storing my supplies and inventory, a work bench for jay, a place for the treadmill and stuff and stuff plus all the stuff that lives in the garage normally, i.e., camping gear, tools, christmas stuff, etc. i'm already missing our third car garage. let's move on to the inside. come on!
that's the front door and entryway. the wood door with glass panes is the door to the office/tv room. here's a peek inside that room.

the office
so that desk and computer just to the right in the previous photo? yeah, they're supposed to be in here too. good luck, right? here's the hallway.
future command center. right now it's just a hot mess.
i dont' post these to embarass myself or mdh. it's quite a chore fitting 2000 sq ft of stuff into 1500 sq ft of house! keep in mind we sold all the office furniture, a twin bed and have already purged a ton of stuff for the garage sale last weekend. i see more purging in the near future (and possibly another garage sale and/or huge donations to local charities)! no, the purpose of this post is twofold: accountability and to show our progress. okay, just a few more rooms now. let's go back to the general living areas: the living room, dining room and kitchen.

this room is generally tidy, just needs finishing touches like a lampshade and wall hangings
i spy gracie in the mirror!
the mirror in the photo above will go on this wall. this table is mdh's work station.
the dining room is just off the laundry room, hence, the linens and steamer!

the kitchen...it used to be clean
this was from a month ago and my goal!
what you've seen a lot of is my pet peeve: clutter on flat surfaces. about an hour after i took the pictures i did a little tidying up, so it's already improved but still a ways from the goal. and finally, i'll show you our bedroom. 

yeah, that dresser is really in the middle of the room. we just got the two dressers over from vista ridge so we've been living out of laundry baskets and 30 gallon trash bags. if you had any idea the amount of clothes i have...don't worry, i'll take pictures...the stuff you see is nothing. trust me. and the closet...the majority of the clothes hanging in here are mdh's. so much work to be done. li's bedroom will remain private as she's not here to defend herself. :)

well, that's the home tour. we'll revisit in a few days. hopefully, you'll see a difference. until then, stay grateful and always let your light shine. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tour G! I can't wait to come and visit :)
